Sylvia Ploeckinger
Sylvia Ploeckinger
Astrophysicist (senior postdoctoral fellow) at the University of Vienna (Austria)
A Little About Me
I am a scientist working on expanding our understanding of the Universe we live in. The methods I am using reach from calculations involving mostly pen and (lots of) paper to developing complex large-scale cosmological simulations that run on thousands of processors for months within an international collaboration of scientists.
I received my PhD from the Department of Astrophysics in Vienna, Austria and I have since been a postdoctoral researcher at Leiden Observatory in the Netherlands as well as at the Institute for Computational Cosmology in Durham (UK). Between September 2019 to August 2022 I was working at the Lorentz Institute for Theoretical Physics in Leiden funded by a personal grant from NWO.
Since September 2022 I am back at the Department of Astrophysics in Vienna, Austria, funded by a Marie-Jahoda stipend (09/22 - 12/22) and an Elise-Richter fellowship (01/23-12/26).
Contact me
Department of Astrophysics
Türkenschanzstrasse 17
1180 Vienna